How to configure git to display native (cyrillic) filenames correctly.

Today I’ve faced with a problem of native (cyrillic) file names in git log and diff commands. The trouble looks like this:

ilya@tori:~/projects/buytogether/docs$ git diff
diff --git "a/\320\237\320\276\321\201\321\202\320\260\320\275\320\276\320\262\320\272\320\260 \320\267\320\260\320\264\320\260\321\207\320\270 \320\277\320\276 \321\200\
index 0c0891c..1a8bd01 100644
Binary files "a/\320\237\320\276\321\201\321\202\320\260\320\275\320\276\320\262\320\272\320\260 \320\267\320\260\320\264\320\260\321\207\320\270 \320\277\320\276 \321\20

The funny thing is that I’ve already got an answer for this problem one year ago. But my attempt to find the answer again with queries to google failed this time too. So, I’ve cheated a bit asking google with “git silvestrov” query. The result is answer of Teemu Likonen which I’m reposting here to keep in mind:

Yes, extremely ugly. I believe setting core.quotepath to false will

  $ git config --global core.quotepath false

I wonder why is this not the default?

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